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Inc. Central Paper Co. Inc. 140 West Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 942-6333 Channel 42 WIAT CBS Channel 42 WIAT CBS 2075 Golden Crest Drive Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 488-4118 Cheap Chick Trading Company Cheap Chick Trading Company 430 Green Springs Highway Suite 20 Homewood AL 35209 (205) 790-1803 Chicken Salad Chick Chicken Salad Chick Hilary Meares 2839 Paces Ferry Road Suite 500 Atlanta GA 30339 (205) 903-0603 Chick-fil-A Wildwood Centre Chick-fil-A Wildwood Centre 211 Lakeshore Parkway Homewood AL 35209 (205) 945-6062 Christopher Collection Christopher Collection 2913 Linden Ave Homewood Alabama 35209 (205) 719-3206 City of Homewood City of Homewood 2850 19th Street South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6104 Classic Wine Company Classic Wine Company 1831 28th Avenue South Suite 110 Homewood AL 35209 205-871-WINE Clearview Strategy Partners Clearview Strategy Partners 2712 19th Street. South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 240-1553 Cleere Selling Cleere Selling 6 Office Park Circle Ste. 116 Mountain Brook Birmingham AL 35223 (205) 616-1498 Cloud, Willis & Ellis, LLC Cloud, Willis & Ellis, LLC 3928 Montclair Road Suite 227 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 322-6060 Club 4 Fitness Club 4 Fitness 265 Lakeshore Pkwy Homewood Alabama 35209 (205) 407-1677 Club Pilates Homewood Club Pilates Homewood 1920 28th Ave S. Homewood AL 35209 (205) 500-0144 Cobbs Allen Cobbs Allen 115 Office Park Drive Suite 200 Birmingham AL 35223 (205) 414-8100 Collier Leadership Consulting LLC Collier Leadership Consulting LLC 2613 Kemp Court Birmingham Alabama 35226 (334) 303-1232 Colony Bank Colony Bank 2151 Highland Ave. Suite 120 Birmingham AL 35205 (205) 603-2998 Comfort Care Home Health and Hospice Comfort Care Home Health and Hospice 245 Cahaba Valley Parkway Pelham AL 35124 (256) 620-2020 Community Bank Community Bank 813 Shades Creek Parkway, Suite 100 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 709-8950 Community Food Bank of Central Alabam... Community Food Bank of Central Alabama 107 Walter Davis Drive Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 942-8911 Community Grief Support Community Grief Support 400 Vestavia Parkway Suite 131 Birmingham AL 35216 (205) 870-8667 Congressman Gary Palmer Congressman Gary Palmer Homewood AL 35209 Cookie Fix Cookie Fix 2854 18th Street Homewood AL 35209 (205) 582-2623 Cook's Pest Control Cook's Pest Control 160 London Parkway Birmingahm AL 35211 (205) 290-0890 Corbeau Wine Bar - The Edge Corbeau Wine Bar - The Edge 817 Green Springs Hwy Suite 105 Homewood AL 35209 (205) 326-7506 Corky Bell School of Dance Corky Bell School of Dance 159 Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 942-5544 Cottage Basket Cottage Basket 2901 18th street south Homewood Al 35209 (205) 460-1055 Country Inn & Suites Country Inn & Suites 485 Wildwood North Cr. Homewood AL 35209 (205) 451-4000 Courtyard Birmingham Homewood Courtyard Birmingham Homewood 500 Shades Creek Parkway Homewood AL 35209 (205) 879-0400 Craft Electric Co., Inc. Craft Electric Co., Inc. 4345 Vanderbilt Place Birmingham Alabama 35217 (205) 841-4141 Creating Home, LLC Creating Home, LLC 4424 Hampton Heights Drive Homewood AL 35209 (205) 422-8418 Creative Benefit Solutions Creative Benefit Solutions 1824 28th Street S Homewood Alabama 35209 (205) 445-0701 Creative Montessori School Creative Montessori School 2800 Montessori Way Homewood AL 35209 (205) 879-3278 Cross Building Company Cross Building Company 2204 Country Ridge Way Birmingham AL 35243 (205) 365-4088 CSE Graphics CSE Graphics 205 Oxmoor Circle Homewood AL 35209 (205) 942-7446 Cushman & Wakefield/EGS Commercial Re... Cushman & Wakefield/EGS Commercial Real Estate 2100 3rd Avenue North Birmingham AL 35203 (205) 939-4440