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Medirest, Inc. 104 Oxmoor Rd Ste 134 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 942-1616 Meredith Corporation Meredith Corporation 2100 Lakeshore Drive Homewood AL 35209 (205) 445-6000 Metal Supermarkets Metal Supermarkets 4550 5th Ave S Building M3 Birmingham AL 35222 (205) 282-0360 Method Mortgage Method Mortgage 601 Vestavia Parkway Suite 300 Birmingham AL 35216 (205) 705-1662 Mi Pueblo Supermarket Mi Pueblo Supermarket 216 greensprings hwy Homewood AL 35209 (205) 878-8889 Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Homewood AL 35209 Michelle Hamrick Michelle Hamrick Homewood AL 35209 Michelle Wolnek Michelle Wolnek Homewood AL 35209 Mighty Dog Roofing Mighty Dog Roofing 2680B Valleydale Rd Hoover AL 35244 (205) 535-3223 Milo's Hamburgers Milo's Hamburgers 208 State Farm Pkwy Homewood AL 35209 (205) 945-8008 Miss Alabama Pageant, Inc. Miss Alabama Pageant, Inc. 2809 Crescent Avenue, Suite 2 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 967-5909 MOB Production LLC MOB Production LLC 161 Citation Court ST 107 Homewood AL 35209 (205) 422-9801 Mobile Attic Mobile Attic P.O. Box 170769 Birmingham AL 35217 (205) 978-1020 Moe's Southwest Grill - Wildwood Moe's Southwest Grill - Wildwood 1653 Crossgate Drive Vestavia Hills AL 35216 (205) 943-7942 Moore Coal Company Moore Coal Company 129 4th Street North P.O Box 1285 Bessemer AL 35020 (205) 424-2705 Moretti Apartment Homes Moretti Apartment Homes 101 Moretti Circle Homewood AL 35209 (205) 720-0101 Morgan Prater, New York Life Agent Morgan Prater, New York Life Agent 2311 Highland Avenue South Suite 100 Birmingham AL 35205 (205) 410-4495 Morningstar Storage of Vulcan Morningstar Storage of Vulcan 1905 Richard Arrington Jr. BLVD. So. Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 754-6121 MOXEY Birmingham MOXEY Birmingham 5184 Caldwell Mill Road 204-235 Birmingham AL 35244 (205) 991-7050 Moxi Childcare Moxi Childcare 2805 Montessoria Way Homewood AL 35209 (205) 222-8092 Mr Drippy Plumbing Mr Drippy Plumbing 137 West Oxmoor Road Suite 405 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 942-1124 Murray Construction Murray Construction 1900 28th Ave. S. Ste. 100 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 802-3917 Muya Engineering Muya Engineering 2809 Crescent Ave Suite 21 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 422-7596 MV Entertainment MV Entertainment 169 Distribution Drive Homewood AL 35209 (205) 324-4600