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Highland Gardens Association, Inc. 2710 20th Street South Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 807-9008 Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, & ... Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, & Electrical 441 University Blvd Birmingham AL 35205 (205) 578-1234 HNP Landscape Architecture HNP Landscape Architecture 1914 28th Avenue South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 870-9936 Home Instead Senior Care Home Instead Senior Care 2059 Columbiana Road Birmingham Alabama 35216 (205) 822-1915 HOMEFIT HOMEFIT 1919 Oxmoor Rd. #391 Birmingham AL 35209 205-675-7412 Homewood Ace Hardware Homewood Ace Hardware 320 Oxmoor Rd Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 778-2100 Homewood Arts Council Homewood Arts Council Homewood AL 35209 Homewood Carpet and Flooring LLC Homewood Carpet and Flooring LLC 813 Greensprings Hwy Birmingham Al 35209 (205) 518-6423 Homewood Chamber of Commerce Homewood Chamber of Commerce (205) 871-5631 Homewood City Council Homewood City Council 219 Malaga Avenue Homewood AL 35209 (205) 930-5304 Homewood City Schools Homewood City Schools 450 Dale Ave Homewood Alabama 35209 (205) 870-4203 Homewood City Schools Foundation Homewood City Schools Foundation P.O. Box 59764, Birmingham AL 35259 (205) 706-8870 Homewood Dental Associates Homewood Dental Associates 2045 Brookwood Medical Center Drive Suite 4 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 871-6600 Homewood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Homewood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Julie Webb & Deanne L. Vail, DMD 1752 Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 868-4577 Homewood Fire Department Homewood Fire Department 2850 19th Street South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6150 Homewood Gourmet Homewood Gourmet 2703 Mamie L Foster, 18th Place South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 871-1620 Homewood Library Foundation Homewood Library Foundation 1721 Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6637 Homewood Life Homewood Life P.O. Box 947 Columbiana AL 35051 Homewood Parks & Recreation Homewood Parks & Recreation 1632 Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6701 Homewood Pediatric Dentistry Homewood Pediatric Dentistry 2828 Central Avenue Homewood Alabama 35209 (205) 332-3886 Homewood Pharmacy Homewood Pharmacy 940 Oxmoor Rd. Homewood AL 35209 (205) 871-9000 Homewood Police Department Homewood Police Department 1833 29th Avenue South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6235 Homewood Police Foundation Homewood Police Foundation 1833 29th Avenue South Homewood AL 35209 (205) 613-1617 Homewood Public Library Homewood Public Library 1721 Oxmoor Road Homewood AL 35209 (205) 332-6600 Homewood Rotary Homewood Rotary Treasurer PO Box 19333 Homewood AL 35219 (205) 566-8693 Homewood Theatre Homewood Theatre 1831 28th Ave S Homewood AL 35209 (205) 873-1816 Homewood's Best After School and Summ... Homewood's Best After School and Summer Camp 619 Robert Jemison Rd Suite 100 Birmingham AL 35209 (205) 215-4595 Honest Coffee Roasters Honest Coffee Roasters 960 Oxmoor rd Homewood AL 35209 (205) 223-8569 Hub 365 Hub 365 777 Woodward Ave. Suite 800 Detroit Mi 48226 Humphrey's Dog Resort Humphrey's Dog Resort 2630 7th Avenue South Birmingham AL 35233 (205) 320-8775 Hydralive Therapy Hydralive Therapy 3500 Independence Dr #200 Homewood AL 365209 (205) 960-6964